
AMAZING photos today from Guest Photographer, @Austinxc04, along with some help from fellow explorer, @Dday521

@Austinxc04‘s photos show the inside of South Philly’s Mount Sinai Hospital in its final days. The space is in the midsts of being demolished and turned into 100 townhouses.

Check out the rest of photos below…

More photos of Abandoned Philadelphia HERE!

3 responses to “A Look Inside the Final Days of South Philly’s Mount Sinai Hospital with Guest Photographer @Austinxc04”

  1. Hell yea austin 👍👍👍

  2. I visited Mt. Sinai in the early ‘70s when my father-in-law’s oldest brother Harry was dying of cancer. A bit of a dustup was going on with his meds. He was prescribed morphine for the pain, but the pain returned before the scheduled time for the next shot. He was being denied the next injection because they “didn’t want him to become addicted” My husband argued with the staff, he’s dying what’s the difference if he becomes addicted. Nurses paged the doctor and he got the relief he needed. Uncle Harry was born in Russia before the Revolution and came to the US when he was two years old.

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