
These are AMAZING, and perfectly timed with this week’s Republican National Convention!

This morning, local street art legend, Joe Boruchow, installed three new wheapastes commenting a pair of American politicians who share a dangerous, divisive nature: the 2016 Republican nominee for President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and the 1970s’ Mayor of Philadelphia, Frank L. Rizzo. (Hell, even the New York Times wrote about the similarities between these two.)

Joe’s titles for these three pieces speak for themselves: ‘Trump Shit Bigly’, ‘Nightmare’, and ‘Remove Rizzo’.

On the Rizzo piece specifically, Joe wrote the following on his blog…

“Let’s demote this ‘crumb bum‘ and remove his statue from the steps of Philadelphia’s Municipal Services Building. Frank Rizzo’s legacy of racial divisiveness and thuggery is no longer one that Philly should endorse. Like an effigy of an authoritarian dictator, the statue looms over our provincial politics and is a symbol of our dysfunction. Move him somewhere less prominent and let’s reserve our high profile public spaces for memorials of figures that all Philadelphians can be proud of.”

I should quickly note, Joe’s not the first Philly street artist to call into question why we have a statue honoring the most divisive mayor in Philadelphia’s modern history across the street from Philadelphia’s City Hall, Ishknits did as well in 2012.

More photos below!


17 responses to “Donald Trump and Frank Rizzo Similarities Spark Trio of New Wheatpastes by Artist Joe Boruchow”

  1. […] Streets Dept brought our attention to Boruchow’s new installations, which are titled ‘Trump Shit Bigly’, ‘Nightmare’, and ‘Remove Rizzo.’ Two are Trump-focused, while the third is related to former mayor Frank Rizzo and the statue of him that stands across from City Hall. […]

  2. […] Amberella comments on Joe Boruchow‘s lasted anti-Trump wheatpaste, titled ‘Nightmare’, with a trio of “I Can’t Even” pastes, something I think we’re all feeling right now. (See photos of Joe installing his latest, anti-Trump series HERE!) […]

  3. […] join us for a talk with Kara Springer, Joe Boruchow, and Ishknits THIS Tuesday! Panel will be moderated by Professor Julie Hawkins. Refreshments will […]

  4. […] In his new wheatepaste titled ‘Inauguration’ (pictured above), paper cutout artist Joe Boruchow shows a much more ominous depiction of Donald Trump than he had perviously created in any of the trio of anti-Trump pieces he made this past summer. As Joe tells me, he felt his original depictions of Trump were ‘too cutesy.’ See for yourself here. […]

  5. […] 1) Joe Boruchow’s Donald Trump Paper Cutout Wheatpaste Series […]

  6. […] Artist Statement: “‘Awash In Effluent’ effluent |ˈefloōənt|nounliquid, waste or sewage discharged into a river or the sea : the bay was contaminated with the effluent from an industrial plant. Soon after election day, as I was brainstorming ideas in my notebook, I wrote the phrase, ‘awash in effluent.’ It stuck with me because it described exactly how I felt watching the President-elect make his foul appointments and spew bellicosity and narcissism every time he opened his cloaca of a mouth or used his rectal Twitter feed. And because they are all such rich shits, I love the punning relationship between effluent and affluent. So, for my ‘Sign of Solidarity’ I wanted to show people that they are not alone in feeling ‘Awash in Effluent.’ Plus, it goes great with my previous piece, Trump Shit Bigly!” […]

  7. […] some of the best anti-Trump/resistance art coming out of Philly, which you can see more of here, here, […]

  8. […] Philly street artist Joe Boruchow has just installed the latest wheatpaste in his Trump-era resistance series. The piece, titled ‘Metamorphosis‘, is a freaking masterpiece of resistance art […]

  9. […] previous anti-Trump wheatpastes by Joe Boruchow here, here, here, here, and here… And check out an oldie – the very first time I ever shot Joe installing from back in May […]

  10. […] the years, a handful of Philly street artists, including Ishknits in 2012 and Joe Boruchow in 2016, have created work that criticizes the fact that we even have a monument to Frank Rizzo, easily […]

  11. […] else one might consider art that’s done illegally in the public space from stickers to wheatpastes to ad takeoverrs to yarnbombs. Generally speaking, street art is always adhered to a surface with […]

  12. […] Boruchow wheatpasting “Trump Shit Bigly” and “Nightmare” at 5th and Bainbridge, […]

  13. […] is a 3rd generation Philly activist (like y’all, his grandfather ran for mayor against Frank Rizzo.) And on November 6th, 2018, he became the first openly gay person of color elected to statewide […]

  14. […] Street artists have used 5th and Bainbridge to talk about climate change, gun violence, voting, Trump and Rizzo, the future, their fellow artists, and countless topics. In fact a couple of weeks after the […]

  15. […] one of the strongest critics of Trump and his administration ever since 2015, using wheatpastes to regularly question the current state of the world and U.S. politics. And an ad takeover Joe did last winter […]

  16. […] has been one of the strongest critics of Trump and his administration, using wheatpastes to regularly question the current state of the world and U.S. politics. And an ad takeover Joe did last winter […]

  17. […] This year’s Black Lives Matter protests even worked to finally bring down the Frank Rizzo monument at MSB Plaza and mural in South Philly, something Philly for REAL Justice organizers had been demanding for many years now. And longtime readers of this blog might remember years past “Streets Dept Top Street Art Moment” installations critizing the Rizzo momument as well, including Ishknits’s 2012 Rizzo yarnbomb and Joe Boruchow’s 2016 wheatpaste. […]

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